foresight · wisdom · discretion

What is Bookkeeping?

Every business must keep records of their income and expenditure. If you are working for yourself, you should keep paper records of every transaction.

Time and again, people fall into the trap of leaving bookkeeping until they receive demands from HMRC. This sends them into panic and they send everything to an accountant, who will charge high fees to meet your imminent or overdue deadlines.

You can avoid the worry and additional cost by employing the services of a trustworthy bookkeeper, who will deal with your accounts on a regular basis and make you aware of any problems ahead of time.


Why is Bookkeeping so important?

You must have complete and satisfactory financial records.

HMRC can inspect a business at any time to ensure they are keeping adequate records - fail to do this, or submit innacurate tax returns and you could receive a large fine.

Bookkeeping is not only important for HMRC, but for you too... you should know how well your company is trading and be aware of your current financial position.


How do we begin?

We reveiew your current position, get you straight and make sure things stay that way. We will arrange to work with you on a regular basis to suit your working schedule.